Vintage Scuba: Funny Snorkel Masks – S05E08

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Snorkels today are safe, functional and kind of boring. Alec shows strange masks with built-in single and double hose snorkels that were big sellers when introduced.

*** In this episode of Vintage Scuba ***
– orange “Nisse” with side snorkel and ping-pong ball valve
– blue Champion “Combine Total” full face mask with top snorkel
– full face mask with chin fitting allowing mouth and nose breathing with a long top mounted snorkel
– Pirelli “Match” with a single tube snorkel and rubber air bag on the mask strap
– idea was to fill the bag on the surface and breath the air out of the mask strap bag to stay down longer
– Alec’s 60 year old childhood Riviera Cannes white, twin snorkel mask with “panoramique scopic lens”

Check out my “Alec Peirce at the Ranch” channel for ranching and home ideas.

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▶︎ Series 4:
▶︎ Series 1, 2 & 3:

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▶︎ Series 4:
▶︎ Series 3:
▶︎ Series 2:
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▶︎ Series 1:


Rating: 4.90

  1. Vitomir Maricic says

    uw topics are welcome. Cool.

  2. Lstew says

    I recently found a vintage snorkel at an army navy store and inspired by this series I immediately bought. Might add it to my dive gear only problem is the mouth piece also taste vintage.

  3. Allenmar [email protected] says

    Thanks alec for sharing some of this histories… it's really fun watching you tell stories!
    By the way i dont know if you already did a video on some scuba mask tips. But hope youll do a new one about how to take care of it preventing it to fog during dives or how to prep a new mask before using it! Which is better burning it with a match or with a lighther! And does the new calibro mask from cressi works? Hahahahaha

  4. puschelhörnchen says

    Maybe those pingpong vales are more like "lesser return valves".

  5. Mohammad Alnowaif says

    Thanks so much for your tips videos they are so valuable and I learned so much from them keep going captain

  6. Trevor Bolles says

    thank you for the amazing videos love the content especially the vintage homemade, would you consider a more in depth do it yourself video? I.E more of your personal experiences making and using early homemade equipment, thanks alot Mr.Peirce !

  7. Raymond Burelle says

    I'm really interested now in pirelli's history in scuba thanks for the video alec good work Kevin .
    Keep your stick on the ice

  8. Great video Alec! But I was wondering do you had any weird dive watches or any with weird features? Thanks

  9. Chatting with Mark Stise says

    Alec Peirce Scuba
    I got so tied up in my own channel I forget to check out your current videos.
    I am VERY SORRY about that
    I'd like to apologize Alec
    I've learned a lot from your channel and you are one
    AWESOME Diver!!!
    Just sayin

  10. Rick DeClue says

    yes it was but i think it was closer to 8 or 9 dollars U.S. here in the mid-west again thank you for the stuff you post on YouTube .

  11. Roberto Riccardi says

    I remember my first mask now, my mom got me a light-blue mask with a ping pong valve when I was nine years old. Thank you Alec for bringing those lovely memories back!

  12. Pete The Handyman says

    Had a blue on with 2 snorkels,loved that mask!

  13. Rick DeClue says

    Yes I had one just like that one you had when I was 11 yrs. old mine also had that yellow lens too.

  14. Alex Ceric says

    Yes! Finally saw one of your videos right after you uploaded them. 3'rd comment in.

  15. Schmedly Whiplash says

    Where or who has the 2nd snorkel mask u featured for sale Alex? I want one of those!

  16. Joshua Wade says

    Hi Alec, where could we find your publication concerning the Lake Ontario wreck you discovered? I would enjoy reading that. Best, J.

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