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It’s been a while since I’ve uploaded a video! So for this month I’ve decided to make a video from a trip I went on recently with some friends to the Big Island of Hawaii. This was definitely one of the best weeks of my life.

Peter Thomas – All Of You (Steerner Remix)


  1. Create Vidz says
  2. arun suresh says

    How do they come back up so quickly

  3. spawn xxx says

    Saben saltar pero están más fe@s que una patada en las bolas

  4. CakeVlogs says

    at 1:31 their smacking each others butts.. gross

  5. CakeVlogs says

    [0:30] [0:35] [2:43] did anyone else notice that their doing illegal things?

  6. Ian Irving says

    Yeah this is so rad I need to start following YouTube… if youre reading this comment let’s link up somewhere this place looks bonkers

  7. محمد اليوسفي says

    Very Good

  8. On Lock says

    Young and beautiful.

  9. Henri de Merveilleux says

    Hepűcüünü süküceen bunnarın

  10. I hate everyone says

    Those ladies are wife material if I've ever seen it… God damn!

  11. Trenice Mclemor says

    1:33 umm

  12. wavygr says

    I once jumped about 20 ft into a mountain stream. It was like jumping into ice water.

  13. عالم الكرة says

    good vidéo

  14. Kennedy Henderson says

    Let me join yall looks amazing !!

  15. J'peux pas j'ai freeride says

    this double front at 1:26 wow !

  16. Anthony S says

    what song is this in the video? Thank You

  17. Simply "THE MOST AMAZING CLIFF DIVING VIDEO EVER". Title says everything!

  18. Michael Mata says

    this is upsetting

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