Vintage Scuba: Old Dive Masks – S05E06

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Marketing of early dive masks included beautiful boxes, funny product claims and even safe diving tips. Alec shows old masks with plastic, glass and tempered glass lenses plus the interesting boxes they came in.

*** In this episode of Vintage Scuba ***
– a 1961 Healthways “Professional Deep Sea Dive Mask”, glass lens $3.95 US new, model 1205
– endorsed by “Larry (Buster) Crabbe” and “Johnny Weissmuller”, both played Tarzan in 1930’s and 1940’s movies
– the green “Dolfin Deluxe” with plastic globe lens
– a 1961 Healthways “Compensator Professional”, Masque Français, $5.95 US new, model 1273 with tempered glass lens
– came in a beautiful box of a diver spearing a huge swordfish
– a 1961 Healthways “Skin and Scuba Diving Equipment” catalogue inside the mask box

Check out my “Alec Peirce at the Ranch” channel for ranching and home ideas.

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▶︎ Series 5:
▶︎ Series 4:
▶︎ Series 1, 2 & 3:

▶︎ Series 5:
▶︎ Series 4:
▶︎ Series 3:
▶︎ Series 2:
▶︎ Series 1:

▶︎ Series 2:
▶︎ Series 1:


Rating: 5.00

  1. Alex Generalov says

    when i was a kid (about 1995-2000) there was a masks like 3rd one in russia, it was green rubber tho, we didn`t know about scuba diving that time, old times 🙂

  2. Russell Campbell says

    Cool video Alec!

  3. Alain Dumesny says

    "Masque Francais" looks exactly like the one I was using when I started in the late 70s… no big sword fish like that to spear though my dad had stories of big ones 🙂 great memories.

  4. sparky obrian says

    another fantastic video

  5. Riley Zarm says

    I love the videos that you make, and I would really like if you did a series of the cheap vs expensive, ie the 300 regulators vs 800 dollar regulator. In the series you do this for all the mandatory parts, maybe even accessories ie. lights, cameras, knives. I am really curious about the different features so I know what to look for. I totally understand that this would be a lot out of your way so it's no biggie.

  6. Raymond Burelle says

    Another great video Kevin and Alec ( see what I did there) how about a vintage drysuit episode starting from the beginning to where they have come to

  7. sladkru says

    Excellent presentation. I’m glad that I’ve found this channel. I’m gonna make my open water certification next month.

  8. Cody Mikles says

    I had a Lego mini-figure when I was a kid that had a mask like that.
    Even though I know better gear exists, my inner child still wants an oval mask, double hose reg, and the old school Jet fins.

  9. Pierce Nine says

    Keep up with the videos Alec. I love your channel. ~

  10. David S says

    That explains it. I think I am made out of 62 year old gum rubber. Thanks for another great show Alec. Need more Sea Hunt!

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