Scuba Tech Tips: A Glove For Any Season – S03E13

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Divers require proper gloves from the freezing arctic to warm tropical waters. Alec has dived in all these environments and shares tips and features to look for when purchasing dive gloves.

***** Alec Peirce Scuba *****

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Rating: 4.97

  1. Ely lioney says

    That's a seriously big hand

  2. Bob Harrison says

    hi alec its me again great video on them so what your saying is with the spring temp water being down here 68 to 72 degrees im very close to jenny springs area u are saying a 5 mil glove would be best for the temp and what about the booties thats the first thibg that gets cold i will stand in the water until my body heats up with the water befire i just go in or i just sit in the sun here in florida u have such a big help on tech tips for me

  3. Carlo Kop says

    Alec great video. But got a question. How do you equalise dry gloves? The seal seems air thight.

  4. Richard Slater says

    Thanks from the UK. I've never actually worn a wetsuit, only a dry suit.

  5. Joe Blow says

    Did my dry suit cert in Iceland, in the Silfra, a glacier fed lake.  Clearest and cleanest water in the world.  Water was 1C, air temp was the same but with a thick neoprene drysuit and just the regular dummy gloves, was perfectly warm and was ready for tank 2 immediately!!  Go if you can!!

  6. diver dave says

    I swim long distance and scuba dive Lake Michigan 12 months of the year with a group of friends and over the last 10 years we have all bought and tried out every "cold water glove and mitten we could find …. the results are they all SUCK at keeping your finger warm after the first 20 minutes . The worst part is once you buy them you cannot return them and get your money back if you find they do not keep your hands warm ! We have even tried pouring hot water into them to warm them up and blowing hot air into them from the cars heater vents …. hopefully some day soon – someone will design a glove that truly works at keeping your hands warm !

  7. Edwin Rivera says

    Thank you sir for allowing us to know about scuba diving, we really appreciate and enjoy the class of your school

  8. Robby Creason says

    do you spearfish?

  9. Eteokles81 says

    Why have a latex seal with the dry glove system? You don't get air into the dry glove so you'll get a squeeze or you have to wear something under the seal to make sure some air can pass – hence why even have a seal?

  10. Per Lundkvist says

    I have the same type of dry suit glove, and actually it is a bit tricky to put on actually, just as in the video…

  11. Johan Lusari says

    I cut myself holding on the anchor line, now I always keep my gloves in my BC, great video, thank you

  12. Ronny Obando says

    Alec, big fan here! Thank you for doing this and helping the community and new divers. I have a question, the first glove you showed is a 1.5mm glove, not 3mm like you mentioned. Just wondering if for tropical waters you recommend that or an actual 3mm. Thanks!

  13. Joel Perron says

    Hey nice tips ! .. and I heard you mentionning Ontario … Was about to go with Kanata for my certifications but will maybe go with Action Scuba from Pointe Claire close to Montreal .. who knows maybe we will meet close to the thousand islands one of these days 🙂 would be awesome and an honor (btw you know those places dive shop from Ottawa to Montreal ? any advices ?) … please add me on if you are there 😉

  14. Federico Zanolin says

    at 36 i just started snorkeling and looking at diving soon but have learned allot from these vids thank you for this production

  15. How The Squad Works says

    where do you get these gloves Scuba Diving Gloves Cyprus ruber gloves at the end of the video when you had to put on two gloves on then snap them together.

  16. Mehran Mahdi says

    there is another type of glove in between dry and wet; a semi dry glove which incorporates two layers of cuffs, so one tucks under the suit and the other over. I read lots of good reviews about them where people dive in 40 F water

  17. Waggoner Kranmer says

    Gosh… I'm so addict to your videos. I'm learning so much that I just can't stop!!!
    But, when you showed a glove for a dry suit (Tech Tip: A Glove For Any Season Video), I got a doubt, what is the diference between a dry suit and a wet suit (besides the obvious)? Because I know a lot about a wet suit but almost nothing about dry suit.

    Please do a Tech Tip: Dry vs Wet Suit.
    I would be so happy to learn the advantages about each one!! Thanks from Brazil. Kranmer.

  18. Bogy 1 Kinoby says

    What were the 5 mm kevlar gloves called? Brand?

  19. Jason Arnold says

    Hi Alec,
    As a new diver I love your videos but was wondering if you would be able to convert things such as temperature when you do your videos otherwise I have to keep stopping the video to work it out!

  20. Tom Knudsen says

    Hi, subscriber from Norway, drysuite diver all year round, especially when the snow is a couple of feet high to catch the clear north sea. Thanks for the video about "What instructors told you not to do video"

  21. Holland Hollywood says

    I live in the Caribbean and have found it very convenient and effective to store my regulators and fish gun rubbers by 1st coating them with ArmourAll and putting them in a plastic bag and keeping them in the fridge. I find this maintains the rubber in good condition. Please advise me whether this is a good idea. Love all your vids and tip tho.

  22. William Gauthier says

    Just realized you already did a video on dive lights! Sorry.

  23. Daniel Moore says

    Thanks Alec I have watched all your videos. Greetings from Hobart Tasmania- the southern most part of Australia! 🙂

  24. A Calkins says

    wonderful video on gloves.  I've been diving with a dry glove and locking ring system for about 10 years or so now (didn't know they had thinsulate liners, so I'm going to look into those).  I do have those yellow liners and I'm not keen on them, but use them sometimes. I have a little different donning system that makes my life easier for that liner and glove system.  I put the liner on first, then put my hand through the sleeve and out the wrist seal of the drysuit (this traps the cuff of the liner under the wrist seal so it doesn't get caught in the locking ring system of the dry glove.  It also allows air to move from the suit into the dry glove (albeit, not quickly, but it also helps keep my hands warm).  Here's the rub/caveat…if you get a hole in your dry glove, yes…you're gonna get water that will seep up the liner and into your dry suit…no more "dry suit"…so you have to make your choices…is this worth it?  For me, my dry gloves have never failed me by leaking).  I have very tiny hands and even the smallest size of that blue dry glove was pretty big and the fingers were waay too long.  That yellow poly liner is too thin, so there was also a lot of "slop" in the dry glove   At this time I'm using a liner that  I've created and that takes up the slop and keeps my fingers warm.   Thank you again for your videos, thought you might find this of interest…

  25. William Gauthier says

    oh yeah…how about a video on dive lights.

  26. William Gauthier says

    Good information to be learned from this video. And I agree 100% with it being "your" choice weather to wear gloves or not. I did not know that some places do not allow gloves, I am a new diver. And I will want to wear gloves so I will put them in my bc pocket and use as needed. Thanks for letting me know this.

  27. Slick85 says

    Thank you Alec

  28. Karl Marx says

    cool, thanks. (an idea for next tips: types of dry gloves, rings, etc.); thanks.

  29. Jon Massey says

    Hello, sir. I'm new to diving. I'm wondering what YOU look for in a BC. I have some preconceptions (solid D rings, decent pockets, durability, comfort) but would like to know what seasoned divers demand in their BC. I generally prefer things to be hard use and truly able to stake my life on. Any recommendations? I love your videos and have seen them all. I have the luxury of watching your videos as I"m getting into the sport, but even the experienced divers I share your video with seem to be learning new things. Thank you, sir.

  30. rohan sawhney says

    Very well done Alec your tips are helpful as always

  31. bin 3loush says

    Hey alec im new subscriber. I have a question, why do free divers hate us? Specially spearfishing with tank. Some say we cheat, but as far as my knowledge goes, we didn't arrang a competition to be accused for cheating.

  32. Kyle T says

    One item to consider is in tropical waters you sometimes don't want any insulation. I wear dynema gloves that have less insulation than 3mm but are abrasion resistant enough for wrecks and spearfishing.

  33. Daniel Mckell says

    Do you really need a snorkel

  34. Neal says

    Love the videos, keep them coming!

  35. Joshua Wade says

    Alec, This was a very informative video, thank you. I wanted to ask if you would consider doing a video on the different types of BCDs, (back inflate, vest, even plate and wing if they differ substantially from back inflate), and may be go over the positives and negatives of each design based on your personal experience. Best, Josh

  36. Novrizal Herdananto says

    hi, you have a worldwide viewers.. it would be great to say some measurements in metrics to..

  37. Ian says

    First 🙂

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