Choosing The Right Dive Computer

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Choosing The Right Dive Computer
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A dive computer allows divers to extend their time and safety while in the water. Considered essential by most dive resorts around the world today your dive computer should be one of the first things you should buy. Since back in the 1980’s dive computers have been revolutionising the way that we dive. Before the dive computer came along you would calculate your dive time based on the maximum depth you were diving to. The dive computer changed this significantly by being able to calculate your max dive time based on the actual dive allowing multi-level diving. Modern dive computers update you constantly on how much time you have left, based on your current depth. Essentially this allows you to remain underwater for longer in safety with potentially shorter safety stops.

– Simply Scuba
– Shearwater
– Scubapro
– Mares
– Suunto
– Mark Newman
– Shaun Johnson
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Rating: 4.89

  1. TheSollyLama says

    First is an honest assessment of how much diving you will be doing. If you are only making a few dives on the rare island vacation, then something as basic as a Mares Puck does everything you need. Most people will buy far more advanced dive computers but never use anything more than what a Puck puts on screen.
    If you are diving more than that, then any mid-price computer will still do more than you need. It's not until you get into multi-gas and tec diving that computers start having functionality beyond what 99% of divers ever use.
    Things like air integration are nice, but I found less useful than I had anticipated. And unless you spring for a higher end computer and multiple sending units, then air integration is tough for side-mount divers.
    Smaller size is fine if you are diving in warm water, but in cold water you will appreciate fat buttons for fingers in thick gloves.
    The trend has been hoseless, which is coming down in price and up in reliability. I expect that to only continue. Really the only reason to have a console computer is if it's air integrated and on a hose. Otherwise wrist mount is my suggestion.

    I think the next trend will be base computers and only the software will change along with pricing. Many computers already have wifi or bluetooth to connect for software updates. It would be easy to sell a computer with say- basic recreational functions. But if you decide to go more advanced instead of a new computer you just pay for a download of more advanced software.

  2. Douglas Brown says

    I run a ScubaPro Aladin H Matrix which I love. It works great, is small, replaces my SPG, and it will bluetooth to my phone to download a dive profile for my divelog app. It isn't the best compass, but I don't use it for that. As a backup I have a Suunto Zoop Novo. It is super easy to use, easy to read, and I prefer the 4 button setup. I suppose it depends on whether or not you own your own regulator…or several, but I do have to say, I really like the look of Garmin's Descent Mk1.

  3. Bogy 1 Kinoby says

    If you’re a rec diver, get a cheap one.

    If your rich, get an expensive one.

    If you know your gas strategies in your head for your depth, get a bottom timer and slate.

    If you’re a rebreather diver, get a rebreather computer.

  4. Kim Siewers says

    For free diving you only need a Pyle dive watch ($85). For a dive computer, you only need a Mares Puck ($145)
    TIP: the majority of diving fatalities are 1. run out of air 2. did not dump weights 3.had excessive weight.

  5. Adam Dean says

    is the mares puck pro any good, I got one a few months ago

  6. Thomas Ellis says

    I got the Aqualung I750 last year when they were doing the deal with the regs. It's great in the water, nice and easy to read all the info. But on the surface in sunlight it is nearly impossible to see the screen. Also, it goes through batteries like I don't know what. I might have to look at something else when I emigrate to Austraila in October.

  7. Migetsub says

    gotta love my mares quad air, you guys actually had a partial influence on me buying the quad + air transmitter,

  8. Kimon Froussios says

    I was looking for an air-integrated computer to help me get a better feel of my air consumption.
    I was considering the Scubapro Mantis2 for all its features (especially those out of the water) but its LCD screen is horrendous even by watch-sized LCD standards, both stylistically and practically.
    So I went with the Aqualung i450T with transmitter. Fewer features for similar price as the Mantis2, but much clearer screen and better aesthetics. It's a bit expensive for what it offers IMO, but it used to be on discount a lot which brought the price down closer to my expectations.

  9. dharmapunk5 says

    I have a Suunto Zoop Novo, and I love it.

  10. Yggdrasil42 says

    I loved having an air-integrated computer (Scubapro Galileo Luna) but now that I've started sidemounting I'm going back to non-integrated. Those wireless transmitters are pretty costly if you have to buy extra.

  11. sayittrue says

    interesting ,ive an air integrated dive console which is great,oh by the way Mark im gonna be popping down to your shop in a couple of weeks time to purchase a dry suit and a hydros bcd,hope youve got my sizes,hopeing youve got the hydros with the yellow fittings

  12. Gaming Help says

    Thank you for creating this video it is a big help

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