1. Dohan Kuswardi says

    I have a shearwater teric transmitter how many dive do you reckon will the battery last?

  2. TheChopcat says

    After some searching you can get the o ring and battery sets here https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/173534800270?ul_noapp=true . It makes total sense to have the option to try to maintain your kit when away. Of course when back go to the dive stores to do it but after all i'm regularly replacing O rings on camera gear which is much more valuable than the insides of the sender. (oh and take a gauge in case it all goes wrong!)

  3. TheChopcat says

    Actually SS don't sell the kit to you they only do in store replacements which is a bit of a pain if you have a pod that is working and want to have a spare battery to fit on a trip.

  4. Locke Branford says

    Thanks a lot!!! Super simple, yet a shop would cost 15 bucks or more?? Cheers my friend!!! Great job!!!

  5. Marilu Carvallo says

    Thanks, great help. The kit no longer bring the cap, just battery and internal oring.

  6. Jude Romer Reguera says

    Hi, is the O-ring the same size as the old transmitter? Can i reuse the cap? There is a bit of supply shortage in my area and i only have the battery and a new O-ring from the old transmitter

  7. 다이빙쉐프의 says

    and why change the cab?

  8. 다이빙쉐프의 says

    thank u. by the way,how can i buy o-ring and new cab?

  9. Luis Enrique PH says

    Hi. Is it possible to return diving after this replacement ?

  10. lukas hoenig says

    thank u for the video!

  11. Allan Jensen says

    Is it the same process for the new LED transmitter?

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