How to use a Centre Snorkel

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Rating: 4.55

  1. The Lazy Gardner says

    Yes most pools ban the use of swimming snorkel. Just to know before investing in one

  2. mrsierraleone007 says

    Snorkel is just bullshit.

  3. Alex Diaz-Manero says

    In my local Swimming pool in Watford, UK. They don't allow me to use this device. They told me the life guards are not trained to remove this devices from a person's mount in case they need to rescue someone and perform "kiss of life" to resuscitation technique. I find this an extreme example of Nanny State in the UK. Treating adults like kids in this manner is embarrassing and humiliating as well as patronizing.
    He went to argue in a patronizing way that the drills to learn butterfly & dolphin kick don't require the use of this device. With such a mindset I wouldn't even consider taking tuition with someone so narrow minded and overbearing. There is something very wrong with the "nanny state" in the UK. #NoNannyState
    If someone knows a swimming pool in London where they allow the use of this device, please let me know. Much appreciated.

  4. ecem y says

    Thx this is helpful

  5. Ayenaitor 1456 says

    Holi 😀

  6. tiênn nguyễn says

    You tube

  7. Sandra Nallely says

    I'm a beginner swimmer.  For the past week, I've started using this center snorkel, and I love it.  It was a bit weird, and I got odd glances at the gym, but my strokes have gotten more consistent and it allows me to focus on positioning without worrying about drowning.  

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