1. the musical gamer says

    If ur not a diver ur a weirdo

  2. Billy Hobbs says

    What’s the hood with eyepiece and mouthpiece called

  3. Karacs Levente says

    Where can i buy it?

  4. TheWaterboy50 says

    Awesome wetsuit, mask and hood!! Love your mask! Great videos! Please do more!!

  5. Tim Lipinski says

    The suit looks great for swimming or diving in polluted or dirty water !  And the suit would look better on a woman ! ! !  Where is your CO2 scrubber ?  tjl

  6. max mustermann says

    wow very nice, also would like to know where to get such a rebreather device? do you have skype? rubbergreetings!

  7. Swimcap Ola says

    Maš krasny neopren, moc pekne video.

  8. bradcool2k7 says

    Where can inbuy a hood like that and where can I buy the rebreather device?

  9. bradcool2k7 says

    Very sexy

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