Assembling an Apexs WTX Backplate Harness BCD

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I couldn’t find a good video on how to assemble my new Apex WTX Backplate Harness BCD (Buoyancy Control Device) so I made this one. It’s not great but hopefully its helpful for anyone starting out.

The parts I started with are all from Apexs:
– WTX Harness
– Aluminum Back Plate
– WTX-D40 PSD Single Cylinder Wing
– WTX Single Tank Adapter
– SureLock Weight System – 10lb

Rating: 4.55

  1. Sue Billington says

    Interesting to watch. I've had this kit for 6 years but learned a few new things by watching as mine came with no instructions. I wish Apeks would make their own video version with how they intended it to be used. I was surprised there was nothing on how to attach the crotch strap, I found the one included was too wide and rigid therefore uncomfortable so bought another manufacturer's narrower one. I agree the STA is pointless. In my case I found the slots in the harness cause the tank bands to be too high and the tank valves and my first stage end up over my head leading to poor trim. I overcame that by using the backplate where this video places the STA and putting the tank bands through the backplate slots and wing then fixing the harness on by using wing screws in the grommets above the tank bands thus lifting the harness top level with the valve. Valves still fully accessible but better trim and comfort.

  2. Charlie Carolan says

    Thanks for the video, it made the assembly a lot easier.

  3. Gord Mcdonald says

    Great job! I love Apex equipment. I would agree to switch your wing nuts around to the inside. It is the same when hooking up dual tanks. Nonetheless great video. Hats off to you dive bro

  4. Brian Ferguson says

    As mentioned, the bolts and wing nuts have been inserted the wrong direction through the STA (Single Tank Adaptor).  The wing you have already has tank roll control mechanisms built in, so the STA is not even needed.  I do like the ability to slide the backplate into the WTX Harness to add weight.

  5. kieran hennigan says

    great video a real help thanks

  6. DrNoraa says

    Sorry to say this, it is such a bad design. 1) what is the sta here. It is really just serving as weight. 2) same for the plate. Both don't need to be there for the BC to function. They are just very expansive weight.

  7. Doug Hormann says

    You do know it's spelled Apeks, right?

  8. Stephen Perrine says

    Just curious how you find the sizing?  Thanks for the video!

  9. Bogy 1 Kinoby says

    Hi Chris,

    Are you very happy with this? I plan on getting one of these, but i heard the apeks one piece harness is very stiff( aware you do not iwn this) .

  10. kwen10 says

    Thanks Chris. Great video! . I have bought the same arness with the same plates, but the bladder is a WTX6R; they are coming in the boat to my home, so I haven´t tried it yet. (I live in the Canary Islands). I had no idea about assembling the different parts of the system, but now, I see it is easy.

    I realize, the straps you use for the tank are "Apeks GRIPLOCK", Are this straps the original ones that come with the arness?. My arness is a 2nd han one, so the seller told me that he hasn´t got theese straps, so, I need to buy it separately. GRIPLOCKS are very expensive (50 Euros each), I don´t know why (maybe the brand, the metal fastener and the logos… thats quite freaky) instead of it I have seen in a online shop a TDS straps (18 Euros each), also metal fastener made from stainless steel. This is the cheapest way to fix the problem.

  11. Nick Buchholz says

    Bolts are going through the wrong direction when you attach the backplate/harness/wing/single tank adapter. In the configuration you presented the wing nuts would come into contact with the tank when mounted. This would in turn cause the tank to not seat correctly in the STA. Tightening the straps would cause the tank to mash the wing nuts as well. Wing nuts should be on the inside and through bolts going out to in. That is also why the STA has square holes so when you tighten down the wing nut from the inside of the vest the bolt wont spin. Otherwise very informative!

  12. Kristoffer Zetterstrand says


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