1. xshishx Gaming says

    How come you’re doesn’t have a small black piece across the battery like mine?

  2. Max Longo says

    Few weeks ago after only 2 and a half years my Suunto Zoop broked. Went to service and no repair, deep sensor busted. E-mail Suunto for assistance and they didn´t help. Had the same problem few years ago with Suunto D4. Stay away from Suunto guys ! Never again for me.

  3. Allei Manuel says

    3 years use this Zoop … in the logbook (history) 248 dives, 341 hr of use. 5 battery changes and never replace oring or lubricate. ( for Mitbuster, no?). But I'm not diving in salt water only fresh water (Cenote caves)

  4. NickelN8 says

    U re-used old O-ring?

  5. Mauricio Moreno says

    …lubricate O-Ring!!!!

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