Best Wetsuits for Scuba Diving | Instructor Advice

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What wetsuit should you buy? What thickness and temperature do you need? Which are the best brands?

Today, in my new series of scuba diving equipment : I delve into how to pick the best mask.

If you have any questions about diving, please feel free to let me know down below! I will have 5 more episodes covering fins, wetsuits, accessories, dive computers, regulators and bcds!

Support the Plastic Free Fund while wearing epic shirts:

The single greatest difference for the planet, your health, and yourself!

As per usual, if you’re curious about any of my other videos….

Scubapro :
Scubapro Solo Mask :
Snorkel :
Knife :
Seawing Nova:
Boots :
m2 Dive Computer:
Hydros Pro BCD :
Mk25 :
Gloves :


Travel Zero Waste :

How To Go Plastic Free :

How to make things out of t shirts :

Grow Your Own Food From Scraps :

Insect Repellent :

Households Cleaning Supplies :

V E G A N R E C I P E S :

Brownies :

Vegan Pie :

Playlist :

M I N I M A L I S M :

Decluttering Bikinis :

Minimalist Packing for Six Months :

W E B S I T E :

I N S T A G R A M : @vegandiverkatt

F A C E B O O K :

T W I T T E R :

Camera Equipment :

Canon 80d :
Camtasia (editing software):
Tripod :
Gopro :

Rating: 4.79

  1. Max Poulin says

    There are two types of divers in the world: those who pee in their wetsuits, and those who lie about it 😛

  2. 007tallguy says

    i know this has been said before, but cute! 🙂

  3. Saud yoyo says

    So cuteeeee

  4. Lenka Koutnakova says

    it is not easy to try those wet-suits in the shop!

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