Discover Scuba Diving – First Time Try Dive!

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Join my friend Dina and I on her first ever scuba dive! You can do a half day try dive, called a Discover Scuba Dive without getting certified! Check it out next time you’re in Thailand, Bali, Hawaii or wherever else they have diving! Follow my blog for more diving adventures: and travel too!

Let me know how your first discover scuba dive goes!

Dive Site: Liberty Wreck, Tulamben, Bali, Indonesia

Dive Company:


  1. jmarkulin says

    I plan to do this try scuba thing at a dive center about a 30 min. Drive away from me for a little birthday celebration. Its only 50 bucks and a small class and about an hour in the pool but I already know it's going to be one of the best hours of my life

  2. steve dunn says

    not impressed

  3. Lana Chiang says

    I love subadiving!!

  4. massgator1 says

    when i was 14 years old i asked my mother to take me to a dive shop so that i could learn scuba diving but when we got there the guy that owned the dive shop said to me to learn scuba diving you must sign your name but i refused because i hated my name so much so i lost out on scuba diving i also lost out on 2 dozen other once in a life time activities because i refused to sign my name on those activities as well i have now changed my old name to a new name now that i have a new name it doe's not bother me one bit that i lost out on scuba diving and 2 dozen other once in a life time activities any one else that wants to learn scuba diving do not do it because you will be asked to sign your name like i was asked to the guy said to me to learn scuba diving you must sign your name but i refused to do so.

  5. Melodee Sea says

    Very cool brings back a lot of memories!!

  6. MR says

    I want a go 🙂
    was this Gran Canaria ?

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