Recommended Underwater Cameras For Scuba Divers

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In this video I describe three different categories of underwater cameras that I classify as ideal for scuba divers. All the camera types described take both still photos and capture video but are unique in their abilities and their operation. I try to explain the pros and cons of each underwater camera type and where they are most practical. My hope is the viewer will be able to use this underwater camera insight to help decide what camera system might serve their individual needs best.

Here is the reef guide book I published using the camera discussed. Check it out if you would like to see all the imagery featured.
North Florida Reefs =

Action Cameras:
GoPro =
-Underwater Housing =
Garmin Action Cam =

“Point and Shoot” camera:
Canon =
-Waterproof Case =

DSLR “Bad To The Bone” Camera beast:
Canon Camera=

The underwater camera systems described in detail include action cameras(GoPro featured), what I am calling “Point and Shoot” type cameras, and full frame DSLR cameras. The latter two camera types require separate underwater camera housings. Each camera system has the ability to capture high quality underwater photos and underwater video. Viewers will have to decide what is the best underwater camera for their own intentions, budgets, and usage expectations.

“Sunken Conservation” Documentary =

National Geographic Project Example =

Big Thanks to and Larry Davis, Larry Davis is the awesome photographer that capture the image of me ascending to the surface.


  1. Alan Teitel says

    This is a Very well done video! I have developed a new action camera and I am working on making it more water-friendly particularly in the color issues. I will look at more of your videos.

  2. Dirk Vanden-Driesen says

    Thanks Jo ! My G12 has just died after many trips abroad , luv it , has taken some amazing shots ! What would you recommend to replace it with ? Cheers Dirk

  3. ALAN L808 says

    Where can you get the cases for the dlr cameras

  4. Darrell Wood says

    What about Sony 3000 action cam ?

  5. David N.F. says

    Can you take underwater pictures with the go pro?

  6. Михаил Быстров says

    thenk you Joe for this educational video, but the background noise adds some irritation.

  7. Niels1449 says

    Thanks Joe. I still have a question about the point and shoot. Would a larger sensor 3/4 instead of one inch be better then a higher aperture: say 1.4 instead of 2.8?

  8. salem.fotografy says

    Thanks Joe, you never mention red filter do you just color correct in post and is that better that using a red filter

  9. Glen Hoffman says

    Thanks Joe. Enjoyed your video. I learn something new each time I view one of your videos.

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