PADI Dive Instructor Tries To Teach The Cesa – So Funny What Happens Next on this IDC

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This Diving Instructor from PADI is Trying to teach the CESA Controlled Emergency Swimming Ascent in the Pool Confined Water during his IDC Course in Thailand… He did not expected this! So Funny! –


  1. autorog1234 says


  2. Aurellia Faustina says

    So funny!!!!

  3. Mikael Karlsson says

    I've seen worse jokes on the island during IDC's I staffed.. Much worse..;)

  4. popded says

    they bolted!

  5. DAVID HANLON says

    Well the obvious take away here is to be super clear in your instructions because obviously the entire class each got a different message.

  6. Martino Rech says

    cesa in a cilinder of no more than 4-5 meters of diameter? respecting standards: you're doing it wrong!
    the guy that's pushing the wall is actually right! "i need more spaceeeeee dumbtard!!!!"

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