Scuba Tech Tips: Dry Suit #2 – Selection – S08E04

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After deciding to buy a dry suit, what are your choices? Alec discusses the pros and cons of neoprene vs fabric dry suits in this ongoing series.

Watch my “Alec Peirce at the Ranch” for ranching and home ideas.

***** Alec Peirce Scuba *****

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Rating: 4.82

  1. Charbel Gereige says

    Alec, thanks again for an amazing video… I've seen this one at least 10 times. Then I went to order my made to measure Drysuit from a small manufacturer in north of England (Otter), and then I got asked a dozen more questions that I didn't know what to answer… where do you want your pockets, on the side, on the front, half way in between (opted for that). Do you want velcro or zipper pockets (… got one of each 😛 wasn't sure which was better). many many other questions…

  2. LustaQ says

    You old shit

  3. Seth McClaine says

    Hey Alec, Curious how compressing a material makes it lighter? – You said the compressed/crushed neoprene is a 7mm compacted to a 4mm thickness. The statement that it is lighter seems impossible unless it isn't just compressed but another material completely.

  4. iranicus says

    I was wondering Alec, would you be able to do a vid on a demonstration in putting a dry suit on prior to diving, I'm interested in seeing how things are done differently and likely similar than the methods we are taught in the UK :>

  5. Adventures with Frodo says

    Your not a dry suit dive unless you catherdize your self for a dive.

  6. HedgeHog says

    Alec, thank you for replying so quickly. I thought about that but the length, and chest dimensions are really close. But the lengths change by 2". I plan on having L.J's. I'm 57 years young I to am experiencing mussel loss but I still want to play! Will the extra length hurt my proper fit? My choice for the dry suit would be the ScubaPro's newest. I wish that your shop was here! Not to much scuba in this area. It's a lot of money and I need to get this right. Thank you again for responding to my stupid questions. Have a great day.

  7. HedgeHog says

    Hello Alec, This will be my first scuba suit of any kind. I will be buying a dry suit for sure. I live in Colorado and the river water is very cold year round. I will be using it mostly for snipping gold in the the river beds. How much room is left inside the suit for long johns. The sizing charts show S-XXL. But they don't ask if you have over sized body parts ie. stomach, butt, thighs etc. If you can't try it on before you buy it, what other options do you have? I have been watching your videos and they have helped a bunch. Thank you.

  8. justabout haddit says

    Dry suit definitely needed at Tobermory, or in Barrie at Lake Simcoe.
    If diving in the fall season.

  9. jellyfishattack says

    I just called Scuba2000 after I watched this video to ask about dry suit training and perfecting buoyancy courses. Why didn't I do this sooner? The photos of their store look so familiar for some reason…. and the prices are very reasonable.

  10. troop1026 says

    Great video

  11. troop1026 says

    Powder your neck and wrist seals.

  12. Ralph M says

    Why are there no hoods attached? I understand there is some body heat that is lost thru a divers head.

  13. Christoffer Salomonsson says

    70° F is not cold water..

  14. Christoffer Salomonsson says

    URSUIT Cordura FZ with Si-Tech valves..

  15. suclearnub says

    Are there any disadvantages of crushed/compressed neoprene when compared to thick neoprene?

  16. Carlos M. Delgado says

    The orange seals on the waterproof suit are silicone seals, not rubber.

  17. Alain Dumesny says

    I can't believe it. It's FINALLY here ! that Kevin guy… 🙂
    Crushed Neoprene Bare suit can be closer to 2mm I think. Also there are so many fabric kinds (I have 2 very different ones) – you forgot to mention one downside is they don't stretch (well my Bare SB (Stretch Breathable) system does, but then it leaks as it's delaminating now) so you need extra material and sometimes crouch strap so they feel a bit more like wearing a garbage bag (arms are 2x the diameter needed) vs more form fitting suit that stretch.
    But then you can easily layer fleece as needed (I dive same Bare Nex gen in 45-65 deg water, just change the layers) and it dries instantly (vs neoprene).
    Maybe a closer comparison would be a 2mm compressed neoprene (ex Bare XCS2) vs a laminate (ex: Bare Nex Gen, or TRILAM TECH DRY) and say why would can be better than the other ?
    Also soft socks (much easier to fit different sizes, easy to reverse to dry, just need slip on if you intend to walk much else just fit in your fins) vs boots.
    Can't wait to see what you have next.

  18. Captain Markey says

    I dive that Waterproof D7 drysuit, it's a beast and well worth the money

  19. Bin Sun says

    how come the compressed 4mm lighter? Shouldn't it be the same weight as the uncompressed 7mm?

  20. Dragomir Ronilac says

    I would rather say neoprene drysuit and membrane drysuit… and neck dam for "neck piece"

  21. bristol says

    Thanks for the info Alec , I have been useing a wet suit, not sure if I want a neoprene or membrane so your video is useful …thanks again…..

  22. Philipp Giebe says

    1more disadvantage for neoprene drysuits, as you dive deeper, the insulation gets worse and you get way to heavy as the neoprene gets compressed.

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