Scuba Diving Lessons : How to Choose a Wet Suit

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Wet suits are chosen on the basis of thickness, the quality of the seal, the type of neoprene and the quality of the knee pad. Buy a wet suit that is appropriate for different types of scuba diving with tips from a scuba instructor in this free video on scuba diving.

Expert: Gregg Eddy
Bio: Gregg Eddy is a certified scuba instructor who has been teaching scuba classes for over 10 years.
Filmmaker: Clay Roberts

Rating: 4.11

  1. Ethan Ducayet says

    Just use Youtube's Closed Caption Feature.

  2. dubbys says

    0:01 skip this add

  3. daris2kewl4u says

    @efc68 you have to click the little "cc" button by the bottom right of the video. 🙂

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