Scuba Tech Tips: Replacing Your Tank Valve O-Ring – S07E15

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A tank valve O-ring holds a lot of pressure inside so how is it replaced? Alec shows all the steps required to properly replace a scuba tank O-ring whether you do it or learn how a dive store does it.

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***** Alec Peirce Scuba *****

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Rating: 4.92

  1. Андрей Фролов says

    Алек спасибо за обзор.

  2. Bob Davis says

    I could be wrong but you didn't mention the type of grease you used.

  3. Random Person says

    Decades of experience and he's whacking the knob instead of using an adjustable wrench! Do not do that! Use a soft grip wrench to avoid scratching the brass coating.

  4. Vitomir Maricic says

    under surface stuff are welcome. Cool.

  5. African Twin says

    Here in NLD they use a big long bolt what they put in the DIN first stage and use a rubber hammer. Some are cnc milled from brass, others from stainless steel.

  6. Mars Brownsen says

    Why not use a wrench? I have seen a lot of bent knobs…. also some viton come in black too. the process of dying them brown is said to weaken them?? who knows?

  7. N2DP says

    I have low pressure miflex hoses on my regulator setup. What is the best way to store them? Do I store then wound up in the regulator bag? Or do I hang them from a hanger in the dive closet? I have heard that if they stay in one position for an extended period of time they will "remember" that position.

  8. Edward Joyce says

    Hey Alec I have really been loving your videos! Unless I missed one, I have request for a future video, and that being about under garments for dry suits. I know you have covered the suites them selves. But not what all the options are for warmth, and (not sure if it’s appropriate for your clips) options for when nature calls while in a dry suit. Thanks in advance!

  9. Raymond Burelle says

    Thanks for the tip Alec I let my lds take care of this for the cost it's not worth my time but I'm glad you showed me the process

  10. Robby Creason says

    im looking forward to the tank VIP inspection video!!

  11. troop1026 says

    Great video. I just VIP'ed 2 tanks today. My Naui fit is done and working on my Dive Master. Chow my friend.

  12. Alain Dumesny says

    so you sort of touched on the Nitrox o-ring (brown) vs regular rubber one. I have a tank that I occasionally use nitrox (pre mixed, not o2 clean) on boats, but it never stays with nitrox longer than the day or 2 boat trip, then gets filed with regular air at home. I did replace the valve with a regular o-ring (had a tech multi DIN valve I took off) and I don't see a reason to change it given how infrequently it stays with 32% (just like rest of my gear uses regular o-rings). Makes sense ?
    unfortunately no way to know if shop replaces it on every visual or even hydro… guess I should ask or open it up and check after each visit….

  13. Andreas I says

    Great video again, thank you! I wonder, shouldn't we cover the tank's open hole while we work on the valve? I was anxious while watching, keeping an eye on the opening and waiting for brushed off dirt to fall inside. Am I exaggerating?

  14. MW says

    Thanks for a great video as always. Why are not valves made in stainless 316L steel?

  15. IM35461 says

    In the UK with our steel tanks and DIN tank valves we just have a bar that screws in where the 1st stage goes. A quick tap on the bar does the trick to release. Our tank valves also have a hole in the side where they screw into the cylinder to relieve the pressure if an idiot tries to remove the valve with pressure in the tank.

  16. Julie McKibben says

    Love your diving vids. I am looking to get a full face mask. I can't decide on the ots gardian or the ocean reef Neptune

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