1. PIZO says

    What looked best?!

  2. I Love O-Effective says


  3. Leaff Harri says

    This channel is dead

  4. Christian Apolinario I guess says

    I’m looking at this for a friend. (Dakotaz)

  5. Chicken Nugget says

    Can someone plz tell me when shes coming back

  6. Gałąź says


  7. Max Builds says

    Snorkeler gang all the was (DAKOTAZ)

  8. badbabygril jack says


  9. Vegard Hodne says

    Blue Team Leader Skin + E.L.I.M Bakbling + Spellslinger Pickaxe

  10. Hyper lucky says

    The best snorkel ops and Bat attitude

  11. Snorkel Ops says

    Let go snorkeling

  12. Cloudzy Hz0 says

    Your ass

  13. Cilixity says

    Drop the L?

  14. Josephine Apanisile says

    This skin is trash. Most overrated skin in the game.

    Triggered Dakotaz fans incoming

  15. Type2diabetesboii I says

    Omnimous orb

  16. Flynn Cooper says

    saint clare Not The MUMMA!

  17. Theo_ VeVo says

    All black blings

  18. Shilen Patel says

    do dazzle

  19. ph41 fudgepickles says

    Snorkel ops deserves wayyyyyyy more love like if u agree

  20. Antony Khoury says

    Snorcale ops = trash

  21. ツledianlol says

    Pool party is the best

  22. FreeformBlock58 says

    This skin honestly doesn’t go with a lot of back bling s the only ones that are good that I have are love wings, dark matter and battle shroud

  23. HypeBuildz says

    I’m done, how do you not like it with the diving tank, and then say yep to the other scuba back bling. Safety ring is a “not really”. AND HOW IS FISH TANK ONLY “it’s okay”

  24. baby rhino says

    I wanna buy snorkel ops

  25. Kentucky Football fanpage YT says

    Such a cringy entro

  26. Simão MR. says

    Guys shold i buy Snorkel ops, artic assassin or Commando?

  27. duhn says

    nice video keep it up pizo 🙂

  28. Uhh Rockstar says

    What happened to ur renegade raider account?

  29. Keta Boone says

    This Chanel is so good

  30. Kyr0 xl says

    The cake is sick on it I wish I did the challenges

  31. chriz says

    All backblings on Black Knight

  32. Sam Balzanelli says

    I hate snorkel ops because there all like think there so good because they watch dk and then they dance on u and it is mad annoying

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