A shark-deterrent wetsuit (and it's not what you think) | Hamish Jolly

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Hamish Jolly, an ocean swimmer in Australia, wanted a wetsuit that would deter a curious shark from mistaking him for a potential source of nourishment. (Which, statistically, is rare, but certainly a fate worth avoiding.) Working with a team of scientists, he and his friends came up with a fresh approach — not a shark cage, not a suit of chain-mail, but a sleek suit that taps our growing understanding of shark vision.

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Rating: 4.83

  1. Sophia Shakti says

    If you really interested in deterrent from sharks contact Russian scientist Sergey Saveliev. He discovered that sharks come to a victim through air olfactory sensing. To repeal sharks one has to make an air around the surfer unappetizing. All your other ideas are anecdotal the best.

  2. Night Train says

    At least they didn't get bitten by a land shark on stage. Let's see them get in the water. Somewhere like Bellini's

  3. LJN says

    What about the exposed head, feet and arms? Also, why not test this in the water on something human-shaped? Especially with the specific exposure of these areas?

  4. Catalyst - D B says

    ….. no one is asking the big question: what is the success after the four years that this video was released and if successful how can I buy five of these suits! Tell me!

  5. Gordon says

    Too bad these f***king suits cost $450+ each. WTF? Normal wetsuits are $100

  6. prankster671 says

    Won't work for me. The shark will keep looking for where the piss and crap is coming from…of course leaking out the legs and arms of my suit.

  7. Garrett ? says

    I don't think this guy can get a better shout out than from this swimmer, this guy could have gotten bit so many times.

  8. Chris R says

    Considering that we don't Bob in the water but move around sounding like wounded fish but nice fat big ones…..yea…..fail

  9. Andy Fam says

    Bullshit.. haven't seen a single suit used or any proof of it working

  10. Andy Fam says

    Never seen anyone wear it or reviews

  11. Dredious says

    I like em

  12. Kailee Itokazu says

    They look like old prison outfits

  13. jared robinson says

    I'd rather be eaten by a great white than be seen in one of these disgusting looking suits.

  14. JeNéantVideRien says

    Comment le requin détermine si l'appât est comestible ou non ??? cela est inscrit dans son adn ou dans son expérience ?

    How does the shark determine whether the bait is edible or not ??? This is recorded in his dna or in his experience ?

  15. barneyrow says

    I'm no scientist, but surely the fact the physical silhouette created by a surfer and his/her board is not changed by a few stripes renders this entire project as little more than wishful thinking? If you've ever swum downwards and looked up at surfers or swimmers from below, the sun is so bright that you can't even see what they are wearing. Humans are not transparent – no pattern or colouring is going to hide the tasty-looking silhouette created by their body and board combined.

    Not to discourage more science exploring preventative measures of course, I just think this is a glaring question mark hanging over the whole project and would like to have heard it addressed.

  16. Rey Cisneros says

    90% of these comments are made by those that , Don't Surf…..

  17. Bud Fox says


  18. Andy Fam says

    no research or reviews on this product

  19. Aurelian Freeman says

    lots of talking, but not even one practical test to show its effectivity………put the suit on, dive with sharks, THEN – if it really works – you can talk all you want….although in that case, why wasing time on bla-bla

  20. Acanthropagrus says

    Take my money now!

  21. Julian B says

    Biology in action. To those saying nobody will wear these because of the patterns, well, that's just the sound of the point flying over your head.

  22. Grunter says

    Sharks eyes used for final attack . Extremely good sensory organs let him find you .

  23. Toàn Khánh says

    More like a human-deterrent wetsuit, it makes you look like an idiot.

  24. John McClane says

    theres no such thing as shark attacks

  25. Pale Moon says

    this is why you''ll never gonna see a zebra eaten by a shark

  26. Gregg Blasingame says

    If these shark-deterrent stripes work, put them everywhere in my humble opinion. No big black spot… I like to fish. Many of you know with these fish detectors, you can see under the water clear to the bottom. It will sound a alarm if fish are nearby or if you are in shallow water… They can design them to detect large fish I would think.. They already do… Why not put Radar on the bottom of the surfboard that sounds when large fish are in the area? Dolphins and seals would activate it no doubt… This would need to be tested of course. It might give the surfer a heart attack. On the other hand, some get a rush from fear. For those people, you could program it so it plays the theme song to Jaws. Thats only two musical notes, it should be easy enough. You could program it so, if those two notes are far apart, no worries… but if they get closer and closer and start to speed up, you better start walking on water!

  27. Smoke says

    Why did they make the torso of the suit pure black? Isn't the shark just going to ignore the stripey limbs and attack the dark torso?

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