Snorkeling Techniques & Tips : Types of Fins: Snorkeling Techniques & Tips

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Figure out the different types of fins available to use when you go snorkeling in this free video online.

Expert: Ray Temeyer & Valerie Kevorkian
Bio: Ray Temeyer (and his wife, Jeanie) have been running snorkeling, sailing, and scuba diving charters out of Miami and the Bahamas for the last 27 years.
Filmmaker: Paul Muller

Rating: 3.06

  1. Roger Maillet says

    It would have been helpful if you named a single one of those.

  2. MrDota1337 says


  3. theknexkid101 says

    how to get a cheap split fin get scissors and a fin cut a split in it walla

  4. CauanTheBeast says

    @Xxcalicondor your soo fucking stupid thermal cat posted his comment 3 years ago and that mcbainusa bitch copied him a year later. fucking dumbass people

  5. alanpoohbear21 says

    @Matfred2007 the black fin is a perpetual fin…its a longer and thicker fin it is meant for scuba diving mainly it makes kicking at a slower pace more efficient

  6. Benjamin El'Abied says

    Thanks for the tips !

  7. Matfred2007 says

    since the video is so awesome and it exaplains a lot!
    what is the different about the last black fin and the other?

  8. NauiDiver91 says

    If you want to answer a question for most of the people watching this, why are you only recomending / showing full heel fins & not straps for your feet, is one better then the other?

  9. din dan says

    yes, agree wt maika..this is actually very useful to beginners like i know now how to choose d fins….going snorkeling in perhentian island this july….

  10. metabolife says


  11. XMcBainXUSA says

    this is a fin. your foot goes in here.
    this is a bigger fin.
    this is a split fin. look, its split.

    more village idiot than expert village.

  12. dave jones says

    this is a fin. your foot goes in here.
    this is a bigger fin.
    this is a split fin. look, its split.

    more village idiot than expert village.

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