Vintage Scuba: Knives – Old To New – S01E10

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Early divers considered a long, heavy, dive knife being “fully equipped”. Alec show many early dive knifes and how they evolved into the small, light weight “dive tool” used today.

*** In this episode of Vintage Scuba ***
– early divers considered a 12″ knife essential
– the first dive knives were modified fishing knives
– a “Vulcan” by U.S. Divers with knuckle guard
– the famous US Navy Mark 2 KA-BAR dive knife
– a U.S. Divers “Sea Hawk” and Aqua-Lung “Navy Knife”
– a 1976 “Sea Hawk” USA 200 anniversary knife in red, white & blue
– a Wenoka blunt tip & SportsWays stiletto style
– a big Japanese Tabata knife, now called TUSA
– knifes began shrinking like the Swim Master, Dacor 4″ to 5″ models
– in the 1980’s Wenoka’s “Sea Style Lazer” with a scalloped and carbide edge
– Spanish knifes with one piece aluminum handles
– the Mark 5 commercial diver knife, solid brass scabbard, screw in blade

***** Alec Peirce Scuba *****

▶︎ Series 6:
▶︎ Series 5:
▶︎ Series 4:
▶︎ Series 1, 2 & 3:

▶︎ Series 3:
▶︎ Series 2:
▶︎ Series 1:

▶︎ Series 2:
▶︎ Series 1:


Rating: 4.88

  1. whynottalklikeapirat says

    Vintage SCUBA long swords …

  2. Courtland William Richards says

    Hey Alec! It was good seeing you again at Silver Springs, last week! I still have my old Dacor Diver's Knife from the late 60's! All the best, Courtland

  3. Dan H says

    Hello Alec, got a US divers navy seahawk like in your video here, the knife it self is in fantastic condition but the sheath is unusable and fallen apart, do you know where I can get a sheath to fit this knife?

  4. mattroski007 says

    Funny video, I have about 8 of the knives in this video in the family, I used my own purchased modern dive knives while serving, and I actually kinda prefer the 12'' rambo knives, albeit blackened to deal with the barracuda and such.

  5. markperroni69 says

    Very nice video!!
    I'm going back to diving… Years since my last dive. Friends got married, and I didn't…. I really miss it.
    My knife got stolen, it was a very big 12" Technisub Aqualung Italian knife, and now I need a new (or vintage) one, andso I bought a few old style big knives. One US Divers, one Dacor, one Sun Fish and one that has no name (might buy a few more).
    Can't go diving without one, and now I have a small collection!!
    They're all still in the US, and a customer/friend is bringing them to me here in Brazil next month.
    I was actually telling my friends last week, how the new knives are so small and don't look menacing at all. Like little toys…
    Also bought a new flashlight. Mine is just gone.
    Can't wait to get everything and go back into the water!!

  6. Azym Asger says

    Alec does the best scuba reviews!!! Old man full of diving wisdom

  7. Jamie Clark says

    Looking for a Red, White and Blue Sea Hawk to complete a display. Any leads on one for sale? Thanks!

  8. rhino ranch says

    Great display. I had and lost Yellow Wenoka. That was my idea of a dive knife when I was younger. Now I prefer 4.5" w/ line cutter, and good solid button release sheath like Tusa, or Akona. I knew an older guy, best spearfisherman in the NE, carried a large Buck knife.

  9. bakergannon says

    Thanks for the knife knowledge

  10. Beached Bum says

    I have just started collecting vintage dive knives. Do you know of a book or website reference that would tell me about all the dive knives made in the last 50 years?

  11. Thomas Willows says

    I collect knives myself, but never managed to get diving knife.
    I would kill (and eat) for one of these…

  12. Beep Boop says

    Spreading peanut butter haha

  13. SPIRIT DOT says

    Give me that old time religion! The ocean is a very strong and hard environment so i need a very strong and hard knife. Seeing the old knives brought back a lot of memories. Thanks.

  14. ItzWolffz says

    My mom has been using that 60's Aqua-lung knife from my grandfather for camping when I was younger. I had no idea how old it actually was.

  15. Jason Mills says

    I still dive with an old 60's era Aqua Lung knife that was my dad's. Still a great knife, though I do get some funny looks from time to time.

  16. Tibo Veuchelen says

    How about the wasp injectiion diving knife it would be funny to see you review it

  17. V Vogt says

    Very Cool Video on the Vintage knives. Thank You for the History. I've. collected some of the same ones. Keep on Diving Brother.

  18. Peter Chatman says

    I was oh so proud of my Aqualung Knife when I was a yungin (I'm 60yo now).  Great machete, but I never used it other than tying it to my leg.. SHE WAS A BIG MUMMA!!

  19. Rupert Breheny says

    I love this guy's voice. I think I can just fall asleep to this.

  20. Buford McNairy says

    Very interesting and i enjoyed the information you shared not only about the knives but your personal knowledge of "old to new".
    Thank you.


  21. Spooky Skeleton says

    this guy has an awesome way of explaining things, he incorporates great humor into his speaking, awesome vid!

  22. newbreedian says

    such a WEALTH of knowledge!!! Thank you for sharing!

  23. 0pima0 says

    This was so interesting! My dad has a Navy seal style knife (I think that's somewhat along the lines of what it's called at least) from his diving days, and now that I'm planning a diving trip, he's saying I should inherit it and bring it along. It's just so huge to me! Haha.. Has some solid weight to it as well! Pretty sure I'll be the girl with the heftiest piece of gear though, haha..

  24. Lou Jr says

    Hi am trying to get the value for my knife it's a 1973 imperial diving knife called the ripper, I hear it's a rare knife saw one on eBay guy was asking 300 but there's no photo can you help me out thank you

  25. Erik Truchinskas says

    I have that red one in the front. I found it in my grandpas garage

  26. jmuraidajr says

    I'm glad I found you on You-Tube I really in joy watching your video's. Because all my equipment is vintage and I still use it. I live in Arizona now and live about 3 hours from Rocky Point, Mexico on the Sea of Cortez.
    I have that first U.S. Divers knife you showed from the 50's and 60's that I bought it back then. I got my certifications back in the late 60's when I was in college. I got a YMCA Scuba Divers certification and a PADI Scuba Diver certification. When I got a new card from PADI a few years ago it did say anything about Open Water Diver. When I took my certifications back then we did Open Water Dives, Night Diving and above and be on other related dives. Wasn't that part of the certifications back then?

    Thanks Alec,
    Joe The Old Diver

  27. Alexarna says

    It's the little snippets like the bit about Tabata and Tusa that make this series so brilliant. Alec can make even the most mundane seeming thing (i.e. the history of dive knives) into something completely captivating. Please keep at it with the videos – love em!!!

  28. Eurotrash4367 says

    Hello Alec, thanks for sharing your awesome dive knife collection. I enjoy collecting vintage American knives and I was a bit surprised to see the KaBar MK2 shown at 6:20. All of the other models in your video are made with stainless steel blades and plastic or synthetic handles and sheaths.
    These materials are ideal for use in a marine environment since they resist corrosion but the KaBar is made with a carbon steel blade with a handle and sheath made of leather. How did you guys keep the ocean salt water from eating up the carbon and leather?
    Thanks for creating informative presentations like this. I have never dived but I think it is interesting and I enjoy learning about the old school equipment that was used.

  29. Dave Cruddy says

    I really like your videos. I am a fairly new diver who has learned ALOT from your videos. Just wanted to say thanks.

  30. troop1026 says

    Hey Alec I just picked up a vintage dive knife signed by Barry Nelson made by play right. I know he was a famous actor in 50/60's . Japan stainless. Can you give me any insight. Thanks. Montana Mike.

  31. Mark boulaares says

    Nice video can you make a nather new video a bout spear guns

  32. Russell Campbell says

    Another great video. I have always carried the US Divers "Professional" hog leg knife. I have some of the smaller knives but the USD is almost 1/4 inch thick and can be used as a combat knife. The smaller tool knives have been known to break in certain situations so I stick with the 1 lb. monster even today. The hammer head really comes in handy and the military still swears by them and they are still manufactured by Aqualung even today.

  33. Tracy Weems says

    What is the manufacturer of the first knife that was previewed? The modern reinterpretation that you carry?

  34. JeremyDelille says

    Your Vintage Scuba sessions are wonderful to understand the equipment we use today. About knives, I think the dive scissorsshears like Aqualung's are much more used now than before (or Fogcutter, Cressi Alligator, Dive Rite Trauma,… even just traditional wood cuttersscissors). Even in the "old days", a cave diver told me, it was preferred to have one rather than the knife to not stab yourself by a left-handed move and to efficiently cut any rope underwater, even when not having any grip (floating fisher nets, lifeline knotted around fin…). To cut straps from the BC too nowadays, without puncturing it.

  35. ATech Reviews says

    Great video, thanks!
    I saw this one being sold on AliExpress, seems like a good budget option:
    Best regards!

  36. Bearpilot says

    Thanks for sharing so much. Your videos have provided so much insight and I can safely say they have increased my confidence and undertanding immensely. Thank you Mr. Peirce.

  37. BigDog says

    Makes me feel better that as the sport matured we stopped caring about the Size and began to focus on how we use what we have……

  38. Miguel Gerov says

    Alec, thanks for another great video.

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