Diving the “Cod Hole” on Australia’s Great Barrier Reef, after Cyclone Yasi | underwater footage

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The Cod Hole is one of the signature dives on the far northern section of Australia’s Great Barrier Reef. Our recent expedition to the region (June 2011) was only a few months after Cyclone Yasi, and I’d heard some worrying reports of coral damage. I was anxious to see it for myself, and to spend some quality time with the biggest friendly fish I have ever had the pleasure of diving with. Plus, this dive site was always on my list to provide some nice footage for our upcoming “Diving Queensland” DVD (

The reassuring news is the Cod Hole is still in very fine condition. The storm did cause some coral damage in the shallows, but below approx 8m (26′) the coral is looking good—in some areas it’s excellent. The fish life is as plentiful and as unafraid of divers as ever. And, most importantly, the Potato cod (Epinephelus tukula) are out in force, happy to pose for any camera.

I was lucky enough to be there when two of the largest residents were getting frisky. I’ve done more than 100 dives at this site, but never before seen this kind of courting behaviour in the cod. I squeezed in two 90-minute dives back-to-back—a memorable couple of dives indeed. The video shows some highlights.

Josh Jensen, Undersea Productions

“Laid Back Guitars” by Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

Rating: 4.89

  1. Jim Dodd Adventures says

    Great video Josh

  2. Ung Grabb says

    Josh. Ten out of ten. Thank you for sharing

  3. wayne hilton says

    Ain’t that a grouper?

  4. Nick Mast says

    I just started recording gameplay videos on here, if anyone likes montages please give me some advice! 🙂

  5. Fabrizio Barros says

    What's the name of that big fish?!

  6. Daniela Cabella says

    Bellissimo e commovente! Cavoli che forza la natura…. Credo che imparerei subito ad usare le bombole!!!!!! Grazie per questo spettacolo! Un abbraccio enorme al mitico regista!

  7. Will K says

    0:15 he ate the fish

  8. Will K says


  9. Reefari says

    very nice!!

  10. Hatem Radwan says

    Amazing place

  11. Maia Chiu says


  12. Belinda Campbell says

    how much did you pay for diving?

  13. большие агрессивные рыбы сблизка…

  14. MaZaKeRaL says

    it looks like Saj Mahmood

  15. Angus Hogg says

    the vis!

  16. Blake Stone says

    why dont you guys get more views?? these videos are beautiful!!

  17. Rico Morales says

    Just brautiful

  18. NATUREmag says

    Very beautiful – thank you very much!

  19. Shark Addicts says

    I love this video! what camera are you using?? check out my videos sometime

  20. bzlaacchk says

    i mean right

  21. bzlaacchk says

    at 2:56 what is the green stuff on the left

  22. salmondiver101 says

    Did a robot take this, lol? You are amazing, the footage is spectacular.

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