1. sfbluestar says

    Is this a scubapro commercial?

  2. fantastic brothers says

    hi how are u. thx for the video and i have a question now if the snorkel had full of water inside is that thing remove all water if i make exhalation or that thing down not take alot of water out just a few?

  3. Dboy says

    Hi, which mask is it?

  4. Денис Бри says

    Красиво!!! Вы там как свой))

  5. Underwater Scotland says

    Hello V, would like to ask if you ever had water going inside the suit? I have a mares one and first time I dived in it got seriously flooded,I'm wondering if its me or the suit?

  6. Разговариваешь хорошо, но сильный акцент. Русские любят выделять каждый звук =)

  7. О! Старая знакомая – одноглазая щука! Она ещё жива! Или это старые кадры?

  8. Kisco Sanchez Rodriguez says


  9. Mr Best says

    Где вы купили этот костюм?

  10. Mr Best says

    Я Русский!!!

  11. Mr Best says

    First comment

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