Scuba Diving for Beginners : Why Scuba Diving Insurance Is Important

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Make sure to sign up for diving insurance. Learn about the importance of insurance in this free scuba diving lesson video from our experienced diver and certified PADA dive master.

Expert: Cole Abbott
Bio: Cole Abbott is currently working as a divemaster in Kauai, Hawaii. He holds many certifications through PADI, including Wreck Diver, Night Diver, Fish Identification and Search and Rescue.
Filmmaker: Amy Miyajima

Rating: 4.29

  1. Steve Cooper says

    Couldn’t agree more. No diver should dive without coverage, it’s just not worth it.
    I use DiveAssure ( whenever I dive abroad. Their coverage is primary and offers the most coverage for your money. There’s a good and informative comparison between DiveAssure and DAN at

  2. dubbys says

    @HaloTricksandTips Genius!

  3. s030141 says

    @nick0sav oh, dont scare me, that sucks, lol…recently i went snorkelling at ewens ponds in south Australia and it was hurting as i went down but i was equalizing my ears but sinuses weren't equalizing, so i put up with the intense pain, i was at a depth of 11 metres which the deepest depth there and then all the pain went…do you know whats going on?

  4. nick0sav says

    It`s a serious reason to visit a doctor. Sinuses inflammation may obstruct the additional inner volumes(not ears). And so there is a real threat of destruction of some bones while diving. Don`t even try to dive before you get to know what exactly is really going on. It may occur to be extremely dangerous.

  5. s030141 says

    I have a problem. When i go snorkelling/scuba diving, i cant dive deep very far because of pressure in my sinuses, i have no problems equalizing pressure in my ears but my sinuses do no equalize at all. Please Help

  6. NauiDiver91 says

    lol don't screw up & know what you're doing & handeling with & you dont need DAN, but yes for most typical divers DAN is the best Insurence out there. Look at the website & they will fill you in more about what they cover.

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