Great Barrier Reef: 1 Week of Scuba Diving and Snorkeling in 4K

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Our week of snorkeling and diving in the Great Barrier Reef in Australia was fantastic! So many underwater wonders in the coral reef. This is our snorkel, scuba, and on-ship footage. This was one of our bucket list dream “things to do” and we had an amazing time. We did multiple dives at several dive spots. We started at a Ribbon Reef, then a couple of other spots, and another Ribbon Reef. We hope you enjoy this video of our snorkeling and scuba diving in the Great Barrier Reef in Australia in 4K! We have other videos with just our snorkeling or just our scuba diving in the channel as well if you want to compare the experiences!


Tropical Traveller by Del Sound is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license. Source:

Inspiration by Del Sound is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license. Source:

Nello by Del Sound is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license. Source:


  1. Adventures For Two says

    We had an amazing time in the Great Barrier Reef! If you've been, what was your favorite thing you saw or did? Did you go scuba diving or snorkeling?

  2. Senja Aldee says

    fantasticccc… i love diving , i just got my certificate of Open Water.

  3. vidhya s says

    Wow… beautiful video…. what camera did you use?

  4. Senja Aldee says

    i loveeee snorkelling

  5. Frankland Islands says

    Looks like a fantastic trip! Great video

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