because its made for nitrox.brething regular air is not as coplicated as nitrox is as far as feet depth time and air.if you take a dive course you will find out more than this video has to offer

  2. c Burke says

    Drop dead

  3. Graigg Condiff says

    What a stupid piece of crap course!!!  Waste of $$ !! How about explaining basic functions???!!  Like…..heres how to set the correct time, heres how to convert to feet vs. meters, heres how to get it into basic modes.  Instead it talks about Nitrox, logging dives and lots of advanced features.  Stupid 45 minutes without explaining basic features for a new diver-  Don't these companies get actual consumers to watch and review these tutorials before they release them??!!  Pathetic instruction- Makes me want to return watch for one that some on can explain to me!!

  4. Zé Seve says

    Oi preciso de video como programar o suunto zoop em português. Obrigado.

  5. Garreth Zarb says

    How do you switch on the backlight please?

  6. Rosa Ester says

    Por que no puedo ver este video en español? ya que en otro idioma no resulta muy util a los argentinos que no sabemos idiomas jajaj

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