1. Angel Suryaatmadjaool says

    I have that mask do anyone else in the comment s have it?

  2. khmer Song says

    how much

  3. J Case says

    These are the perfect travel cases for these full face masks. Snorkel Mask Storage Travel Case: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B075JSCX2Z/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_be82AbY7D215E

  4. monserat62 says

    Mám stejnou masku-nevím kam dát ten těsnicí kroužek????

  5. Madara 1p1 says

    tried it and its really dope like fuck yeaaaaah i would love it if it had natural oxigan allowing devices in it !!!!!!!!!!??!?!??!?!

  6. Great snorkelling gear and travel links are here: http://www.inessa.one

  7. cleancrafter J. says

    Ich finde alles videos in diesem kanal gut und tolll

  8. loosd Lolson says

    wait so could you pass out if you were diving very deep and kept inhaling?

  9. Serghei Istrati says

    Can i use this video for advertising

  10. QJ Jessica says

    I tried this flat fronted mask since then has a flat front and have been pretty disappointed in how it distorts your field of view around the outside. I prefer the round front one with only 39 bucks https://www.amazon.com/Panoramic-Snorkel-Easybreath-Silicone-Technology/dp/B06Y65W9K3/ref=sr_1_48?s=outdoor-recreation&ie=UTF8&qid=1494856248&sr=1-48&keywords=full+snorkel+mask

  11. BoleBoki77 says

    Cool video Thank you!
    I just bought it here: http://ebay.to/2qXKWbR

  12. CASHBACK EPN says

    I bought a mask for snorkeling all over the face and action camera 4K at aliexpress the price is 25 $ for the mask 34 $ for a camera the quality is good(read the reviews) here is the link: http://ali.pub/16wr2h ,http://ali.pub/16wy5l

  13. GivesAMinute says

    Here's my review of the Seaview 180 Snorkel Mask: https://youtu.be/mtwUcQgIqns (spoiler: you cannot equalise while using it!) 15% off promo code in description too!

  14. Eestoyen H2O says

    very good information;thanks

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