What To Look For in Scuba Diving Regulators | Instructor Advice

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What scuba diving regulator do I use? Why is it my favourite? What should beginner divers look out for?

Today, in my new series of scuba diving equipment : I delve into how to pick the best mask.

If you have any questions about diving, please feel free to let me know down below! I will have 5 more episodes covering fins, wetsuits, accessories, dive computers, regulators and bcds!

Support the Plastic Free Fund while wearing epic shirts:

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As per usual, if you’re curious about any of my other videos….

Scubapro :
Scubapro Solo Mask :
Snorkel :
Knife :
Seawing Nova:
Boots :
m2 Dive Computer:
Hydros Pro BCD :
Mk25 :
Gloves :


Travel Zero Waste :

How To Go Plastic Free :

How to make things out of t shirts :

Grow Your Own Food From Scraps :

Insect Repellent :

Households Cleaning Supplies :

V E G A N R E C I P E S :

Brownies :

Vegan Pie :

Playlist :

M I N I M A L I S M :

Decluttering Bikinis :

Minimalist Packing for Six Months :

W E B S I T E :

I N S T A G R A M : @vegandiverkatt

F A C E B O O K :

T W I T T E R :

Camera Equipment :

Canon 80d :
Camtasia (editing software):
Tripod :
Gopro :

Rating: 4.26

  1. Team Peg Leg says

    "What To Look For in Scuba Diving Regulators" – without really telling people what to look for. The Mk25 is a fantastic reg, but it is way overkill for a vast majority of divers, and probably not the best reg for cold water divers.

  2. Anthony Largeanus says

    I find it funny how you purchase the most expensive scuba pro regulator (it’s billet titanium ffs) but then you put the cheapest octo. Not that that it’s a bad octo but really, upgrade to the R195

  3. Hellrazor says

    YOU should Totally LIVE stream !!!

  4. Byron Murphy says


  5. Dan Choy says

    More scuba videos! Pretty please.

  6. shiva's daughter says

    Wish the video was longer

  7. DracariaEntertainment says

    That was my course directors favourite reg. According to scubapro is the only truly balanced reg currently on market

  8. MyMirmar says

    Hi Katt what do you know about space air mini scuba tanks

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