Why it is Good Idea to Carry Diving Knife Scuba Divers got TANGLED in dive flag float LINE

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Why It Is Good Idea to Carry Diving Knife Scuba Divers got TANGLED in dive flag float LINE

I guess we just tried the “Navy Seals” underwater drill :-).
We have got tangled in cheap scuba diver flag line just when we descended. Instead of ending the dive – we took opportunity to practice and see what we could do about this situation.
This was very easy dive, no deeper than 6 meters and no further from the shore than 30-40 meters.
Lesson to learn:
– don’t buy cheap equipment for risky sports
– carry diving knife whenever is possible
– never panic and stay calm
Keywords: Scuba Diving Knifes
Tangled Scuba Diver
Scuba Diving dangers
Scuba Diving problems
Scuba Diving incidents

Disclaimer: This video is for Entertainment purposes only!
Do not use any part of this video without permission from owner.

lvfree Adventures

Rating: 2.88

  1. Lvfree Adventures says

    Visit our Adventures Store: https://www.amazon.com/shop/hummansunson

  2. Shadow X says

    It would of help if you use less line…all that wasnt necessary for that dive

  3. Patdanbe says

    why it ist a good idea to use a spool ..!!

  4. LA5150 says

    I became entangled in monofilament line abandoned by some fisherman.  Didn't realize cuz it wasn't really visible until it was an entangled glob on my tank….glad I had my knife:)

  5. Stephen Robbins says

    I saw nothing preventing an ascent. Nothing that warranted cutting the buoy line. What am I missing?

  6. Jay Schier says

    I blame it on the split Fin’s and snorkels…….

  7. Omar Ossman says

    I love squeeze knife it's very good.

  8. John Doe says

    That was an awesome and educational safety video. Would you recommend this when free diving? Are you scared of sharks? How useful would it be against a shark or seal? Corona Del Mar Ca.

  9. David McMillan says

    This cannot be real…

  10. Conner Dassen says

    the bubbles are so irritating

  11. Irvan R Dj says

    Of course we all know the main reason was to knive combat those pesky sharks

  12. 1046Fay says

    Always better to have a knife with you, and not need to use it, than not having one & wished you had!!

  13. Diver Down says

    I missed the part.. did you drop the reel by accident which unraveled the line?What was the cheap part in that safety buoy you used that you attribute to this misadventure? Isn't it a pretty straightforward deployment if done properly?!

  14. Josh Clelland says

    dive buddy.. tie ur computer up. double end snaps or carabiner.

  15. Jok 505 says

    What knife would you recommend

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