1. bertsimpsan says

    Chicken beat: check
    Potato on his knees in the bottom of a pool: check
    Nothing of value learnt: check

    Must be PADI

  2. Johnny Seif says

    I might get the fx100 soon 🙂 thank you for the video.

  3. Tom Glander says

    The music was horrible. This is not the way to present this kind of information. Stupid, stupid music.

  4. oufc29 says

    i cant even do a simple try dive while wearing a drysuit with a qualifyed instructor in a swimming pool and i only want to see what its like ? 🙁

  5. SeikiBrian says

    0:15 "Wierd Fellings"

    What the heck does that mean? Is that the subject's name?

  6. African Twin says

    i hate the music

  7. martony03 says

    Chris H7 months ago
    a narrative wouldve been far more helpful than music,which i find awful ,IMO.

  8. Union Gamer Studio says

    ….we need someone to lean on,bloxit,firegun….

  9. GEEK FROG TECH says

    nahh crank up the music
    great video

  10. Chris H says

    a narrative wouldve been far more helpful than music,which i find awful ,IMO.

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