How To Snorkel With A Full Face Snorkel Mask – Tips for Easy Snorkeling!

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This demo will show you how to snorkel with a full face snorkel mask. Learning how to use the full face snorkel may take some getting used to, so make sure to test it in shallow water or a pool before you go into deep water. I like full face snorkel’s because I can breath through my mouth or nose, I can see better under water and there is only one piece of equipment to handle instead of two (the mask and snorkel separately).

I hope this demo helps you. Let me know if it helps or if you have any questions!



RECOMMENDED TRAVEL GEAR – These are amazon affiliate links.

Full Face Snorkel by Tribord EasyBreath

Canon Powershot S110 12MP Digital Camera – I use this camera when traveling because it is light, easy to use, affordable and takes great shots!

GoPro Hero 3 – This is also great underwater!

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Tribord Easybreath Snorkel Review

DAS LEBEN Snorkel Review With GOPRO


Rating: 4.34

  1. Little Birdie Travel says

    Some of you have sent me messages asking where to get a mask that I recommend. Here is one the one I like best found on amazon here (This is an amazon affiliate link, thanks for your support)

  2. Krist ian says

    i just got this mask.Thank you so much for helping me!!

  3. Hyper Beast says

    Are the mask dangerous cuz many pepole say that sorry for my English

  4. Mich S says

    why this snorkel pipe is so short? longer could be better against small waves.Any explanation ? something with phisique ?or just for compact size? to fold it down better…I don't exactly remember but I thing I had much longer snorkel pipe and no problem with breathing at all.

  5. omar tarek says

    I have a question. How long can i stay with this mask underwater

  6. Ultralagger R.E.V says

    I saw a person using the mask but he was all the way underwater and he was able to breathe without oxygen tanks and it was so confusing to me

  7. Jack Fisher says

    Bird, with you i can dive anywhere. Just beware these fullface masks can be very deadly.

  8. Québécoise Benwise says

    Thank you! Merci beaucoup! ❤❤❤

  9. Laurie Mcguiness says

    I think this is how that lady drowned from co2 poisoning. She probably tried to go under so water got inside the mask and her lungs! She thought it was a piece of scuba gear of something

  10. standard931 says

    I've been going up and down the canal near me and I can't see shit!

  11. bgregg55 says

    be aware people have drown wearing those full-face masks. google it.

  12. Jessa Honrade says

    What size are you wearing?

  13. Keira Cloud says

    These masks can be very dangerous , there is a large risk of carbon monoxide poisoning. Use with caution and remove every 25 minutes.

  14. Lee B says

    Don’t like full face disadvantages out weigh advantages ,
    To be honest these are for gilding on the surface not submerging most have no way of equalising ear pressure as you can’t pinch your nose .
    Plus the take up much more luggage space when travelling.

  15. Vaggelis M says

    Can i ask smth dump but i really dont know if this is true.When you dive fully inside the sea with the mask on your face you have to hold your breath and after dive right ????

  16. Rosie Wogan says

    Hi! I am a researcher for Newsflare, one of the largest viral media companies in the world, and we would love to work with your video. Please contact me at rosie(dot)wogan(at)newsflare(dot)com, and I can send you some more information about us, thanks!

  17. Woodcut Media says

    Hi there,

    My name is Tom Sweeney, I work for a TV company based in the UK! We are currently in production for a new tv clip show which looks at "life hacks" and we would love to feature your video on our programme – we think that this little invention is ingenious and would fit perfectly in one of our episodes.
    We are in need of a clip that demonstrates a quick fix to a common problem that occurs to scuba divers – this one is great and we love it!
    If you would like the clip to be featured on the programme, please get in touch with me at
    Many thanks and hope to speak to you soon!

  18. Adam Baudelaire says

    Not good if you want to go UNDER the water. You can't equalise because you can't pinch your nose. No other method works to equalise even if they tell you so. If it can be made with flex material around the nose it would be good.

  19. Stefan Baiamonte says

    Hi! Where did you buy this mask? Thank you

  20. Mr. Nope says

    Mine worked!

  21. starwarsfanforlife says

    So why do you not say that this is a Seaview 180 in the video??

  22. The Fun and Budget Act says

    Okay…I need one of these masks….nice!

  23. bradcool2k7 says

    Where was you snorkeling?

  24. AstroFiGHter 4 says

    How you can breath inside the water ?

  25. Anthony Smith says

    I have just got my new fullface mask. And when I go under the water and breathe. In it sucks i to my face is this normal

  26. Little Birdie Travel says

    More videos in Roatan Here: – "9 Things To Do In Roatan"

  27. Little Birdie Travel says

    Learn more about the beach this place was filmed here Also make sure to subscribe to the channel for upcoming videos.

  28. LexandNeek says

    This is a very helpful training video! Thanks for the share.

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