Shearwater NERD 2 – Recreational / Technical / Rebreather scuba diving computer

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The world’s first near eye remote display for scuba divers has been redesigned for enhanced flexibility and reliability. OC divers can now experience the freedom the NERD 2 has to offer, in addition to the DiveCAN and Fischer versions. The universal regulator mount allows divers to secure the NERD 2 within their line of sight, as if you were looking at a 25 inch TV 12 feet away. Dive with the security of knowing their crucial dive information with a glance of the eye. Rebreather tested. Recreational requested.

#ShearwaterResearch #NERD2 #Powerful #Simple #Reliable #ScubaDiving #TechnicalDiving #Rebreathers #DiveTech #Tecdiving #CCR #OpenCircuit #UnderwaterPhotography #UnderwaterVideo #RecreationalDiving #WreckDiving #CaveDiving

Rating: 4.29

  1. Rings890 says

    I had the chance to see and handle one of these at a trade show last weekend, I quite possibly would have bought the Nerd 2 over my Perdix as my backup to my RB PO2 monitor. Amazing little device.

  2. Mike Bonar says

    are you hiring.. love your products

  3. Pierre Garland II says

    Just take all my money Shearwater

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