Unboxing Portable Scuba Gear – Mantus Scuba Pack

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This equipment also suitable for children, see my other review for children:

Mantus Scuba Pack is compact dive gear, with fisrt and second stage regulator, octopus with spare, and lightweight 2,7 litre scuba tank. Also include underwater pressure gauge, harness, and dry bag. Everything a diver needs to get started are included.
water review:
NOTE: Saya membeli paket ini melalui hargaduniadotcom, tetapi saya tidak merekomendasikan anda membeli barang apapun dari perusahaan ini, karena mereka masa bodoh dengan komplain pelanggannya.

Rating: 4.07

  1. Geafry Necolsen says

    This is also suitable for children, you can see on field test: https://youtu.be/KFzuIN1B_KY

  2. chefkero says

    Is it possible to fill it with hand pump?

  3. Akbar Farid says

    Harganya berapa

  4. Oath Keeper - III % says

    English title then foreign language review, makes sense for your audience to understand. Thumbsdown and disliked here.

  5. Hil Man says

    tanya bang beda nya sama dive protable lung apa bang ?

  6. Bulent akyildiz says

    Hi veryyy good but. About which compressor???

  7. Bulent akyildiz says

    Hi veryyy good but. About which compressor???

  8. Roy Coll says


  9. Roy Coll says

    Looks feasible but how much does it costs???


    Hara nya berapa itu mas lagi nyari

  11. Beep Boop says

    Very nice. 200bar?

  12. Boy Bona says

    how much?

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