How far can you swim with a 0.5L scuba diving tank? Baywatch diving tank test

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How far can you swim underwater with a small diving tank?
The small air tank In the video:
Review of the small air tank:
Video with the small air tank:

Music: Ehrling – Adventure

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  1. Christian Wedoy says

    The small air tank In the video:
    Review of the small air tank:
    Video with the small air tank:

  2. Charlieze Cainghog says

    can you upload more swimming tutorials??

  3. Charlieze Cainghog says

    can you upload more swimming tutorials??

  4. Mortum Rex says

    Great for snorkeling. Strapped to your leg or chest just in case you see something interesting and would like to explore a bit closer at your leisure for a couple of minutes. Awesome tool when used in the right situations.

  5. Dorian bullet boats says

    Idk why people are a r e saying that ohh this isn't a good you can't scuba dive this product isn't right look it's a good product it's in the name spare air if your scuba diving or you can use it to go exploring a shalom spot cave or use it to go retrieve something that fell into a deep part and you can't dive using your lungs just use thia

  6. Moofy says

    I'd love to see someone freedive with that! It's probably not that safe though

  7. Rosidaham Mohd says

    0.5L?? I think its only suitable for snorkling where coral is not more than 5meter in depth.. mybe less.. spare tank should have at least 2 to 4Liters..

  8. Doberman144 says

    Reading this makes one feel dumber by the stupidity coming from the responses .. Spare Air is a backup for an out of air situation when a diver or their buddy has not paid attention to their pressure gauges .. Or in other words he fucked up .. It is not for any other purpose other than saving your ass when you don't heed the 500 psi limit during a dive ..

  9. Krister Trondsen says

    snakk Norsk

  10. chimyshark says

    this is super useful freediving for lobsters for going into those deep caves where you might not find your way out. caves are only like 7-10 ft deep so gas consumption is low.

  11. TheDemonic ShadowAngel says

    Whoever’s gonna buy this please know what your doing first, scuba diving is a very dangerous sport

  12. skolex says

    The monofin strikes me as kind of gay tbh

  13. Smiling RPGz says

    So if I buy this to fuck around at a pool it's 12 feet there no problem rite like I'm not going die

  14. Steve Obee says

    I have 3 of them there only good to get your butt topside in a emergency im a advanced tec diver i usually dive in the st clair river in port huron Michigan back up gear is a must in that river 9 knot down curent on a good day with lake freighters going up and down what a rush from the wreck of the me trimble in the shipping lane

  15. jonkawasaki says

    Someones gonna get dead soon with this fucker….!!

  16. JaybayJay says

    It all depends.. How big is the shark chasing me?

  17. Brandon Glynn says

    It’s not for going diving with? But I’ve used lots when I have gone diving and I have also tested it. It lasts 5 min

  18. Dale Gair says

    Incorrect test.

  19. Doesn’t this vary as to what your lung capacity is and how deep you are breathing in and how deep you are in the water

  20. Koyori TMDR says

    Why were you crying during your intro

  21. CC Chodkowski says

    He should try this test again in a 1’ kiddie pool. I bet it would last longer. A real test would be in the ocean at 1 atmosphere (33 feet). That would be a better test. A even better test would be he’s at 33 meters using that tank trying to swim away from a bull shark chasing him.

  22. Matthew Smith says

    Further if you weren't holding a camera in front of you…

  23. Yat Hay Lee says

    There's a reason why you need a licence for scuba diving. It is a dangerous sport especially for those who are not trained. I think as a responsible human being, you should state the danger in scuba diving (even if you are just using a pony bottle). You can die if you don't understand the danger!

  24. Cyb3rs34l says

    This is commonly known as a S.E.E.D. or supplementary emergency egress device.

  25. skyhawkgamerHD says

    Y is it more expensive than a regular scuba tank?!

  26. Future_Idiot says

    Slow down ur breathing

  27. American Nobody says

    Damn, where the hell is that pool, NASA?! And for those of you who are saying things about accuracy, I don't think that's what he was going for. He's just giving you rough estimate about how long it lasts for just snorkelling or whatever, because who in the freaking hell would use something like that to go deep sea diving?! If you are good enough, then watching this should give you an approximate time of consumption, the rest is up to you!

  28. John Donaldson says

    How long it lasts of course depends how deep you are.

  29. T.DOGSTA TRIPLE M T.G.A says

    Name of Actual Song with Sax ?

  30. Encre Malave says

    For me I use This tank forma an emergency

  31. طا رق says

    مشاء الله

  32. Dakota Ortiz says

    Shoulda had a weight belt on so you don't have to use energy swimming forward and downward at the same time.

  33. Barnes466 says

    how many regular human kicks to one mermaid flap? I plan on buying one of these things

  34. Tiger H. Lore says

    How long can you dance to that chill song with an 0.5L SCUBA tank?

  35. DreadNes04 ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ says

    Ive been watching vids in 2 years and i just noticed you are Norwegian

  36. Wild Joy says

    I mean its pretty decent also you breathed normally, if you breathed in held it for 10 sec then breathed out, you could prob double it

  37. ausernameright? says

    Nice buttocks at the thumbnail lol

  38. XxMotoGuyxX says

    where can i get one of these i live near a lake and i want to explore the botrom a little bit. and this would help seeing as its at depths of 15 to 50 feet depending on the area of the lake. do i need to worry about the benz at that shallow of depth. if not one of these bottles would a rebreather be better

  39. Aviv Gannon says

    Why does this guy always look cold or scared

  40. Melted Lava says

    Is that in Levanger or steinkjer/dampsaga

  41. Bork04 says

    This video made it difficult for me to breathe idk y

  42. Hunter Molway says

    I would use that for spearing in the Bahamas in 20 to 30 feet of deapth

  43. Trym Henriksen says

    He is norwegian

  44. InterceptoR says

    I can hold my breath longer than this video. This tank is not much use.

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