Top 5 Olympic divers

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Having won 32 Olympic medals between them, we count down the most successful Olympic divers of all time.

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  1. tzivopoulos TZIVOPOULOS says

    And GAO Min

  2. tzivopoulos TZIVOPOULOS says

    Where’s Dimtry Sautin ?

  3. Darshana Jain says

    1:09 what is there underneath never saw in my pool

  4. Baheer Mus says


  5. keerthana keerthana says


  6. Lenny Hardi says

    Guo jing jing is the best. She retired now and married to very wealthy hongkonger husband.

  7. Amy Ann says

    I love these top 5 videos without annoying narration. Just the stuff we want to see. Thank you!

  8. Kiran Boro says

    Wow ….

  9. Mohammad Reda says

    0:09 is there a name for this dive??

  10. Jayanta Baruah says


  11. ganesh karri says


  12. Cool says

    stupid list

  13. Kevin Baines says

    Your all awesome my best Phelps

  14. Santy Escobar says


  15. Roshankumar Gedamkar says

    Nice diving

  16. Lieve Kroesbergen says


  17. Nolan Dingley says

    Is this the real Olympic channel

  18. Govindarajan Nagaraj says

    Hi and thanks again so I can get it

  19. Kartik Soilder says


  20. Djibrilla Abba says

    djibirilla abba pdg

  21. Sujan Barman says


  22. قصي و ليث says


  23. md ashraf says


  24. kabeer jaat says

    i hope that I will reach there

  25. Cams !! says

    Where is tom daley

  26. Tiffany Mayer says

    krisostofon from mr. fantastic fox could do so much better

  27. FAT SHEEP says

    Lol, Wu Minxia and fu Mingxia

  28. eazyWel Brothers says


  29. Carta pacium says

    Where is Robben?

  30. IAMFrances Webber says

    For all the commenters who keep saying and esp some racist comments that Chinese leads this sport is UNTRUE. Whomever made this video focuses on the Chinese diving as the best however, the US leads the Chinese since 94 in all medals. China however, in right up there and it seems it goes back and forth. The women in gold are tied

  31. hasan rayhan says

    Rimon Rincon

  32. كرم نزال says


  33. RAJU NH says

    super busy today and it

  34. Ian Raper says

    Whatever else may be written, is it possible for the author to get the titles right? Sydney 2000 is spelt 'Sydney' not Sidney.

  35. Tegar Priyambudi says


  36. kaiizorr- 26 says


  37. Kaya Bulutlu says

    Which music is on the background of this video…? Do you know anyone please…?

  38. Steve Countryman says

    Absent a boycott by President Jimmy Carter of the '80 Olympic games in Russia, Louganis would have 6 golds and one silver (total of 7 and no B.S. catagory "synchro diving medals"). Louganis is without question the greatest diver to ever walk on a deck. To put him 4th makes me think this (Top 5 divers) thing is jacked!

  39. Harsh Sarpal says

    where's neymar

  40. Simranjeet Singh says

    China always no.1

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