5 WAYS TO DIVE AND MAKE MONEY DOING IT – Make scuba diving or freediving your job

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This Is 5 ways you can make money while scuba diving or freediving.

How to make diving your job.

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Rating: 4.51

  1. James Teng says

    1. Make videos/take pictures, post and promote it on YouTube
    2. Collect and sell seashells
    3. Become a scuba or free diving instructor
    4. Become a commercial diver
    5. Start your own dive shop

  2. robp750 says

    how do you make a million dollars owning a dive shop? start with 2 million.

  3. Robert says

    the salary part is a lie lmao

  4. Ryan Schumacher says

    I am working on reaching the master diver level through SSI ( Scuba School International )
    I love diving and I will never give it up.

  5. Sander Kristoffersen says

    Jeg er Norsk

  6. denAndre says

    dette er det jeg vil ha

  7. Real Oscar says

    Good video!

  8. Art b Studio says

    Thank You

  9. MixHalZX Polska says

    30th view Hi all…

  10. Skyto X says

    C'est de la merde

  11. Nathan 123 says


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